Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Big Brudder

Dis is ar big brudder Milo. He is fun tu chase, an he neber gits mad at us. Sumtimes he eben pawlays wid us. He's purty nice fur a Cat! Byrdie likes him cuz he gots tu blu eyes.

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Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Kissmoose Eberydoggy!

We jus wanted to wish eberydoggy a Merry KissMoose, an a Yappy Noo Yeer!

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Monday, December 19, 2005

We got new scarrfs1

Mom made us new scarrfs today. Special ones with jingle bells on them, and we like 'em a lot!
She also let us put on our Kissmoose outfits for more pictures, too!

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Friday, December 09, 2005

We love Snow!

We are having a blast playing in the snow that fell last night. It looks like about 7 inches, and is it pretty! It tastes good too!

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Monday, December 05, 2005

Credit where credit is due!

The lovely web art work included in this blog was designed by DanaQ at the Clan Duncan Sheltie web site. Quite a talented webmistress, her site is well worth a visit at least once a season as it is always changing, and there is always something new to look at. A link can be found on the right side of this Blog, if you would like to visit there.

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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Just Us Girls

Hi everyone! Mom has her own blog, so we wanted to have one for us too! She said she'd help with the entries and putting in pictures and stuff, but it's all for us, just us! We are Shetland Sheepdogs, worlds most adorable and smart dogs (that's what mom says). Bea (short for Honeybea)is the brown and white one- she's really a shorty, way smaller than a Sheltie is s'posed to be, but also way cuter too. I'm Byrdie (short for Bluebyrd) the one with the grey, black and brown spots on white. I also have one blue eye. Bea's eyes are almost black, but they are really brown.
Bea is the older of us, she just turned two, and I am only a year and a half old. Mom says I still act like a puppy sometimes and get into lots of trouble. We have lots of adventures together, mom takes us neat places, and makes sure we have lots of fun every day, so we'll probably write more stuff pretty soon, and put in somemore pictures, too.
Bye for now!
Byrdie (and Bea too)

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